Network & Security

Network & Security





Welcome to “Learn Ethical Hacking – Build Python Attack & Defense Tools,” a comprehensive course that will teach you how to b...
1 Lectures
5 total hours
Wondering how to get into cyber security with no prior experience? Look no further! This comprehensive cyber security course is specifically tailor...
1 Lectures
5.5 total hours
IT & Software
Members only
In this course, I will take a different approach to teaching Python. One that teaches error handling and interactivity from the first Python script...
1 Lectures
5 total hours
In this course we are going to learn about each and every aspect of wireless networks what is a wireless network? How it works? What are the weakne...
1 Lectures
4 total hours
Wireless Penetration Testing Pentesting of the wireless systems is easier task than doing that on the wired network. You cannot really apply good p...
1 Lectures
5.5 total hours
IT & Software
Members only
In this Wireless Networking Fundamentals training course, expert author Mark Long will teach you the basics of understanding how wireless networks ...
1 Lectures
7 total hours
IT & Software
Members only
Are you ready to take your cybersecurity skills to the next level? Join us in this exciting course on EDR: Threat Hunting & Threat Intelligence...
1 Lectures
5.5 total hours
In today’s digital world, cybersecurity is an essential aspect of our personal and professional lives. Cyberattacks have become increasingly ...
1 Lectures
6 total hours
Hello there, Welcome to “TryHackMe – Learn Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking with Fun“ TryHackMe & Kali Linux to boost Cyb...
1 Lectures
3 total hours
If you like playing games or ethical hacking, then this course is for you. This course will introduce you to a very powerful tool commonly used in ...
1 Lectures
3 total hours
IT & Software
Members only
A beginner level comprehensive course that includes step-by-step explanations of core security concepts along with follow-up quizzes and hands...
1 Lectures
6.5 total hours
Welcome to my IP subnetting course.  Wouldn’t it be nice if you can do subnetting math in your head in 15 seconds or less?  Wouldn’t it be nice not...
1 Lectures
1.5 total hours