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Passive Income on Fiverr using Grammarly and Zero Skills

Write SEO content copy as complete beginner & With No SEO knowledge - Make Money as a Freelance copywriter in 1 Day
Passive Income Gen Z
17,855 students enrolled
English [Auto]
You'll become a master copywriter after watching this course
You'll learn how to write about any niche, and become a limitless freelance copywriter with No skills
Learn a valuable skill, and make money trading time by copywriting as a freelancer
Start your copywriting empire from scratch as a beginner
You'll learn how write SEO content with No knowledge about SEO

Welcome to the course.

Write SEO content copy as a complete beginner using an AI tool “Grammarly.”

In this comprehensive, 11-in-1 course, you will acquire the knowledge and EVERY SINGLE tool, template and resource that YOU need to write good quality SEO blog posts and articles.

  • You’ll become a DECENT copywriter after watching this course

  • You’ll learn how to write about any niche and become a limitless freelance copywriter with No skills

  • Learn a valuable skill, and make money trading time by copywriting as a freelancer

  • Start your copywriting empire from scratch as a beginner

  • You’ll learn how to write SEO content with No knowledge of SEO

What makes (Passive income gen z) credible to teach you this topic?

Unlike online gurus who fake screenshots and have never sold products or services, I have sold over $10000 of my private-label products, starting with only $0 and Zero experience.

Read just a few of these raving student testimonials for yourself…

Excellent indeed! The best course I have ever taken on SEO article writing. I lecture mode of the lecture is very good with good clarity. I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn about writing in a very short time.”

Have enjoyed the lectures and I can boldly start my copywriting journey…”

I am happy and I expect this course change me a lot.”

Great Job”

This course is for you if you’re struggling to make a career as a Freelance copywriter on Fiverr, Upwork, or any other freelance platform.

The copywriting Hack taught in this course will not be shared with you anywhere online. I am only sharing it because I have developed a habit of testing if things work before sharing them with the world.

Inside the course, you’ll find that this copywriting method is proven and can be used by anyone, even a beginner.

  • You will learn how to write SEO content without learning about SEO and make money without needing to take a course about SEO or copywriting skills.

  • We will use AI to create Authentic content and sell it as a freelancer.

  • The course covers the secret method and how to reach customers and do cold email outreach.

  • People make many mistakes, and the worst is believing that customers will look for you.

  • You will learn to reach out to customers by sharing a method that will increase your email outreach sales conversion rate.

  • Everything is explained inside the course. So meet me inside and learn about this copywriting Hack for yourself.

I have removed the difficulty for you by sharing everything that I know about using this method!

ADD TO CART now and make the first step to become a freelancer copywriter.


Welcome - What you will learn in this course

This course guides you to making money copywriting on Fiverr with no copywriting skills.

The blueprint to make money copywriting with No Skills

This is not a theory course, it is a BLUEPRINT!

This course is a blueprint, not a theoretical course full of slides.

By completing the course, you'll learn a new skill that you can use to make a lot of money as a freelance copywriter on platforms such as fiverr, Upwork, or any other freelance platform of your choice.

The Secret Blueprint that you won’t find Online!

In this lecture, we explain the secret method in tedious detail. Watch it Now! to learn about this hidden secret to making a lot of money copywriting as a complete beginner with No skills and Zero Budget.

Discover the Secret Freelance GIG that requires No skills

The Secret Fiverr GIG that requires time and No skills

The secret Fiverr GIG requires time and No skills.

All that's required is to allocate some time Now! Learn this method and use it to make a bunch of money as a copywriter.

Requirements to make money with this Method

What is required to use this Method?

Learn about the requirements to make money with this method.

WOW! Looks at how much Money I made with this Method from ONE customer

Looks at how much I earned with this Method

Just stop and watch how much money I earned by using this simple trick alone.

Fail forward Fast is the key to working this business OUT!

Fail forward FAST!

Fail forward fast to learn from your mistakes, so do not be ashamed of making mistakes.

I found that making mistakes and learning from them is the most profitable investment that one can make.

Make as many mistakes, and wisdom awaits you on the other side.

10 Return Customers = 7000 Dollars per Month

10 Customers equals 5 figures per Month - Do you get it now?

You only need to earn 7000 Dollars a month to have 10 such clients.

Make the first step by getting the first client, then look for the next one and the next one, and so on.

Take Action Now, Stop the procrastination and do something!

Procrastination will never make your life better, so just do it now or never.

Take action, and eventually, something good awaits you on the other side.

Share your results with others, and let’s create our Community

Share your results with others

You're welcome to share your results in the Q/A section for inspiration.

We want to make this course as interactive as possible, so please share your results with the others.

Inspire others with your copywriting success, and show us how much money you could make with this method!

Do not be a Nice Person - Nice people Finish Last for a REASON!

Nice people fail because they like to win clean!

There is a reason why NICE people always finish last, and you can learn that simply by watching this video.

The secret Fiverr GIG Uncovered!

The secret Fiverr Gig EXPLAINED!

In this lecture, we go through the details of how the method works and how you can use it to your advantage.

The secret to write and Sell SEO optimized blog posts and Articles with No SKILL

Learn the secret to writing and selling highly optimized SEO content with zero skills.

All you need is Grammarly, a computer, and internet access to complete the task.

Write any Article with This Method - Use Grammarly AI to write about anything!

This simple yet very effective method will help you write about any topic without a shred of knowledge about that specific topic.

I will teach you how to write highly optimized SEO content about anything without fancy knowledge.

Let's Write an SEO optimized article from scratch with No skills

Let's Write an SEO optimized article from scratch with No skills - Part 1

This is a practice lecture where I show you how to write highly optimized SEO content from scratch without knowledge about SEO or copywriting.

You can do it as a beginner, and you're welcome to use it or share it with your loved ones.

Let's Write an SEO optimized article from scratch with No skills - Part 2

This is part 2 of the Secret copywriting method for writing SEO content about any topic of your choice.

By learning about this, you wouldn't be limited to a specific niche because you would be able to write about all places, giving you the ultimate freedom to work with just about any customer.

Let's Correct Grammar mistakes with Grammarly and check Plagiarism

Let's use Grammarly to correct grammatical mistakes and check for plagiarism.

Remember that it's essential to deliver a 100% Zero plagiarism report that proves your content is Authentic.

Let's optimize the article for Readability using YOAST SEO

Let's optimize the article for readability and produce the YOAST SEO Report.

We need to deliver a readability, Plagiarism, and SEO report to the customer to make sure that they are convinced of the quality of our service.

Let's package the article and make it ready for Delivery on Fiverr

Let's package the digital order and make it ready for delivery to the customer.

ChatGPT and Grammarly to Write top Notch SEO Content

Earn 1 dollar per minute with this CRAZY Copywriting Hack!

Earn per minute with this Crazy Copywriting Method

By following the blueprint, you will learn how to make 1 dollar per minute.

Introduction to the USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

Introduction to the Unique selling proposition.

Any good offer should have a unique selling proposition otherwise it wouldn't be so persuasive.

Are you starting to get it now?

I hope that you are starting to get it now.

Charge More than 5 Dollars for your Services - Do not be CHEAP!

You are the one who sets the price (It’s an illusion) use it to your advantage!

The price of the product is only an illusion because you are the one that sets the price up.

So do not set your price at 5 dollars if you want to make money in this business.

Copywriting productivity and Profitability tips!

Tips about copywriting productivity and profitability tips.

The Mistakes that copywriters make - Beware!

Watch out for the number one mistake that a lot of copywriters make.

How to rank Number 1 on Fiverr - Find secret and Profitable Niches

How to rank Number 1 on Fiverr - Find secret and Profitable Niches

The secret to ranking your gig Number one on Fiverr.

Learn this secret Now and explode your fiverr sales.

Cold calling is PURE GOLD - Look for Customers - Do not expect the oposite!

Cold calling is PURE GOLD - Look for Customers - Do not expect the oposite!

Cold calling is where we should live at first, so just get used to it.

If you sit and wait for customers to come to you, they will never do so.

So, go to the customer by reaching out to them.

The Value ladder is what make the difference between a 4 to 6 figure business!

Introduction - The importance of the VALUE LADDER

Introduction to the value ladder and its importance.

A solid value ladder can mean the difference between earning 2 to 5 figures, so that is how important it is.

A value ladder is the difference between a 3 figure and a 5 Figure Copywriter

The value ladder differentiates between a five-figure freelance copywriter and a Zero figure copywriter.

Pay careful attention to this section if you want to have success.

Example of a Value Ladder for a Succesful FREELANCER

Examples of the value ladder of a succesful freelancer.

How to SPOT the right Customer!

What's the Criteria of looking for a customer?

Learn the criteria for customer selection.

Customers are important, but nothing is more terrible than working for customers you hate.

Be selective and choose the customers that you offer the best working environment along with the most profitable gig.

How to Search for Highly profitable Customers using Google Only!

You can look for highly profitable customers using google only.

Do not go too further. Google is just enough.

How to find 5 Prospects in under 10 Minutes for FREE!

How to find 5 prospect emails in under 10 minutes by using google only.

Write the Sales COPY for the COLD email outreach!

10X Copywriting Sales with the 16 word sales letter

10X your copywriting sales with this method.

The 16 Word sales letter by Evaldo Albuquerque.

This method allowed a non-native English speaker, "Evaldo Albuquerque," to increase his sales from 4 to 80 million dollars in just 2 years.

Do not make the mistake of understimating how powerful this method is.

Let's write the cold email sales script using the 16-word sales letter

Let's write the cold email script we will send to our prospects.

Find attached the script as a ressource.

Practise - Let's use the Copywriting Hack to write an article about sales funnel

Practise - Let's use the Copywriting Hack to write an article about sales funnel

Practise the method some more before you Go!

Practise - Let's use the Copywriting Hack & write an article about sales funnels

How to Use ChatGPT in 2023 to 10X Copywriting Productivity

Chat GPT Introduction

ChatGPT is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like text. It can be used in various ways, such as generating blogs, websites, and social media content. It can also be used for copywriting to help businesses create compelling and engaging copy that drives sales. ChatGPT can also assist freelancing opportunities such as Fiverr and Upwork by generating high-quality content quickly. It can also assist with coding and web development tasks by providing code snippets and suggestions. ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for generating passive income through various online platforms.

Chat GPT can 10X productivity

ChatGPT can greatly improve productivity by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. For example, content creation can assist with keyword research and quickly generate high-quality content, allowing bloggers, copywriters, and marketers to focus on other important tasks. ChatGPT can assist with coding in web development by providing code snippets and suggestions, saving developers valuable time. It can also assist in generating product descriptions, customer service responses, and even legal documents.

In addition to automating tasks, ChatGPT can also enhance the quality of the output by providing more accurate and human-like text. This can result in more engaging content and better customer interactions.

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for increasing productivity across various industries, such as content creation, web development, e-commerce, customer service, and more. It can help businesses and individuals save time, improve efficiency, and increase the quality of their output.

Chat GPT can write Blog posts in 30 seconds

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for creating high-quality blog content. Its ability to generate human-like text can assist with everything from researching topics and generating headlines to writing the body of the blog post. It can also assist with optimizing the content for search engines by providing keywords and meta descriptions.

One way to use ChatGPT for blog writing is by providing a prompt or topic and letting it generate an outline or first draft of the blog post. This can save a lot of time and effort for bloggers looking to create consistent and high-quality content. Another way to use it is by providing a few sentences of introduction or summary and asking it to continue the story.

ChatGPT can also assist with formatting the blog post by providing HTML code for images, videos, and other multimedia elements. It can also assist with proofreading and editing the post to ensure that it is free of errors and easy to read.

ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for bloggers seeking to quickly and efficiently generate high-quality content. It can assist with researching topics, writing, formatting, and even SEO. It can also provide ideas for new blog posts and help generate a content calendar.

Proofreading and Checking Plagiarism

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for proofreading and translation. With its ability to understand and generate text in multiple languages, it can assist with ensuring that written content is error-free and easy to understand for a global audience.

One way to use ChatGPT for proofreading is by providing a document or text and asking it to identify and correct any grammatical or spelling errors. It can also assist with formatting the text to ensure it is consistent and easy to read.

Another way to use ChatGPT for translation is by providing it with a text written in one language and asking it to translate it into another language. It can assist with ensuring that the translated text is accurate and idiomatic and also help preserve the original text's tone and style.

It can also assist with language checking and ensure that the text is written in the right tone and style.

Overall, ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for proofreading and translation, helping to ensure that written content is error-free and easily understood by a global audience. It can save time, effort, and cost for businesses and individuals who want to create multilingual content.

Write and Post the Article on Social Media

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for creating engaging and high-quality content for social media. Its ability to generate human-like text can assist with everything from researching topics and generating headlines to writing the body of the post. It can also assist with optimizing the content for social media by providing hashtags and creating captions for images and videos.

One way to use ChatGPT for social media is by providing a prompt or topic and letting it generate a post or a tweet. It can also assist with scheduling the post by providing the best time to post according to the audience and the platform.

Another way is to generate a list of ideas for social media content, which can help businesses and individuals plan their social media strategy and create consistent content.

ChatGPT can also assist with creating engaging captions for images and videos, which can help to increase engagement and reach on social media.

Overall, ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for creating high-quality content for social media quickly and efficiently. It can assist with researching topics, writing, formatting, and scheduling. It can help businesses and individuals to increase their reach, engagement, and, ultimately, their sales on social media.

Use Chat GPT to write wonderful emails

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for generating high-quality email copy. Its ability to understand and generate human-like text can assist with everything from researching topics and creating headlines to writing the body of the email. It can also assist with optimizing the email for conversions by providing persuasive language and calls to action.

One way to use ChatGPT for email copywriting is by providing a prompt or topic and letting it generate the email draft. It can save a lot of time for marketers looking to create consistent and high-quality email campaigns.

Another way to use it is by providing a few sentences of introduction or summary and asking it to continue the story or generate the body of the email.

ChatGPT can also assist with personalizing the email by providing information about the recipient, such as name, location, and past purchase history. This can help to increase the effectiveness of the email and conversion rates.

ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for quickly and efficiently generating high-quality email copy. It can assist with researching topics, writing, formatting, and personalization. It can help businesses and individuals to increase conversion rates, open rates, and ultimately their sales by providing compelling and engaging email copy.

Use Chat GPT to write wonderful Email Sequences

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for writing high-quality email sequences. Its ability to understand and generate human-like text can assist with everything from researching topics and creating headlines to writing the body of each email in the sequence. It can also assist with optimizing the emails for conversions by providing persuasive language and calls to action.

One way to use ChatGPT for email sequences is by providing a prompt or topic and letting it generate the entire sequence. This can save much time for marketers seeking to create consistent, high-quality email campaigns. It can also assist in creating a sequence tailored to the specific recipient, segmenting the audience, and creating personalized email campaigns.

Another way to use it is by providing a few sentences of introduction or summary and asking it to continue the story or generate the body of the email.

ChatGPT can also assist with personalizing the email by providing information about the recipient, such as name, location, and past purchase history. This can help to increase the effectiveness of the email and conversion rates.

ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for quickly and efficiently generating high-quality email sequences. It can assist with researching topics, writing, formatting, personalization, and even segmentation. It can help businesses and individuals to increase their conversion rates, open rates, and ultimately their sales by providing compelling and engaging email copy.

How to use Chat GPT as a content creator

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for content creation across various industries. With its ability to understand and generate human-like text, it can assist with everything from researching topics and creating headlines to writing the body of the content.

One way to use ChatGPT for content creation is by providing it with a prompt or topic and letting it generate an article, blog post, social media post, and more. This can save time for content creators who want consistent and high-quality content.

Another way to use it is by providing a few sentences of introduction or summary and asking it to continue the story or generate the body of the content.

ChatGPT can also assist with formatting the content by providing HTML code for images, videos, and other multimedia elements. It can also assist with optimizing the content for search engines by providing keywords and meta descriptions.

ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for content creation quickly and efficiently. It can assist with researching topics, writing, formatting, and even SEO. It can help businesses and individuals increase their reach, engagement, and sales by providing high-quality and compelling content.

How to use Chat GPT for Proofreading

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for proofreading written text. With its ability to understand and generate human-like text, it can assist with identifying and correcting grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation errors.

One way to use ChatGPT for proofreading is by providing it with a document or text and asking it to identify and correct any errors. This can save a lot of time for writers, editors, and marketers looking to ensure that their written content is error-free and easy to read.

Another way to use it is by providing it with a few sentences and asking it to read and correct.

ChatGPT can also assist with formatting the text by providing suggestions for capitalization, spacing, and indentation.

Overall, ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for proofreading quickly and efficiently. It can assist with identifying and correcting errors, formatting, and ensuring the text is written in the right tone and style. It can help businesses and individuals to increase the quality of their written content and ensure that it is error-free and easy to read.

How to use Chat GPT for translation

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for translating written text from one language to another. With its ability to understand and generate human-like text in multiple languages, it can assist with ensuring that translated text is accurate and idiomatic and preserves the tone and style of the original text.

One way to use ChatGPT for translation is by providing it with a text written in one language and asking it to translate it into another language. It can assist with ensuring that the translated text is accurate and idiomatic and also help preserve the original text's tone and style.

Another way to use it is by providing a few sentences of introduction or summary and asking it to continue the story or generate the body of the text in another language.

ChatGPT can also assist with localizing the text by providing cultural references, idioms, and expressions specific to the target language and culture.

Overall, ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for translation quickly and efficiently. It can assist with translating written text, ensuring it is idiomatic and preserves the tone and style of the original text. It can also assist with localization and cultural references. It can help businesses and individuals to reach a global audience and expand their market by providing accurate and idiomatic translations.

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