4.66 out of 5
5641 reviews on Udemy

Double Your Confidence & Self Esteem – Complete Blueprint

TOP-rated, 7-hour Course: Confidence. Self Esteem. Social Skills. Social Success. Inner Confidence. Body Language.
Jimmy Naraine • Official Udemy Partner
48,580 students enrolled
English [Auto] More
Last Content Update DEC 2021
FREE Black Friday EXTRAS are already in the course!
Develop Your Inner Confidence and high level of SELF-ESTEEM
Become Perceived as a Confident Person by others
Start Believing in Yourself
Practical Strategies, Techniques and Methods
Stop Seeking Approval and Validation
Eliminate the Fear of Rejection
Eliminate Nervousness and Social Anxiety
Become More Social and Learn How To Connect with People
Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin
Learn How To Make a Good First Impression
Learn How To Speak with Confidence
Enjoy TV Quality Videos
Learn how to develop Confident Body Language
Learn how to expand your Comfort Zone
Embrace Comfort Zone Challenges
Toughen yourself up
Lear how to use MEDITATION to boost your CONFIDENCE
Develop a "Winner's" state
Create various Elevator Pitches for Confident Communication
Create stories that project high value
Use a "phone" trick to dramatically boost your confidence in an instant
Learn how To Destroy a Negative Spiral
Become Confident Around Intimidating People
  • 7 hours of TOP Content on CONFIDENCE and SELF-ESTEEM

  • Last Major UPDATE in 2022

  • Created by Udemy Instructor Partner with 60,000+ TOP Reviews!

  • Brand NEW videos filmed in the Canary Islands – published in 2022

  • Over 315,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy’s courses

  • Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazines

  • former Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneur

  • Winner of the first Udemy Innovation Award

  • Top-rated Speaker at prestigious conferences such as DNX, Afest, Sharjah Entrepreneurship Festival, MindvalleyU, DNX Global, and Digital|K

  • Explored 77 countries while running entrepreneurial ventures

    7 hours of highest rated content, money-back guarantee + Black Friday EXTRAS: 

    – New CONTENT is being constantly added
    – Special CONFIDENCE PDF “10 Actionable Confidence Hacks”
    – PDF Lecture Summaries as requested by the students

    What do current students say about this course?

    “Easy to follow, confidence building course with real life examples and exercises” – Sally White

“The Instructor clearly went out of his way to create the highest quality audio and video you could possibly ask for, he films on location and the content is amazing. You don’t just learn great material here; you actually experience it! Clearly one of the very best instructors in Udemy” – Jorge Uribe Rivera

“Very entertaining and educational! Everything taught here were most (if not all) of the skills mentioned in the last 3 books I read about confidence (including the extra content). You can skip all those plans to read books about confidence and just take this udemy course. Its all summarized here. Please add more extra content, i love them all! Especially about the marathon at the desert!” – Michael Basa
so why course about Confidence and Self Esteem?

Confidence is one of the core principles of happiness. And fear is one of the primary obstacles to confidence. Confidence is proven to reduce stress and anxiety, and also improve one’s ability to think clearly and make everyday decisions. This course is designed to teach the principles which make up self-esteem and confidence so that you can begin improving your outlook on life while reaching a higher level of self-satisfaction. 


Start Exuding Confidence and Feeling More Self-Satisfied With This Straightforward and Effective Course. 

  • Building Confidence

  • Developing a Powerful Mindset

  • Social & Perceived Confidence

  • Developing an Elevator Pitch

  • Rituals and Tricks

  Contents and Overview 

    This course was made for anyone that wishes to improve their levels of confidence and self-esteem. The only requirements are a flexible mindset and a commitment to changing yourself. 

    Enrollees in this course will have access to over sixty-five videos that seek out your inner confidence and build it up step-by-step with mental exercises. You will learn how to feel powerful and capable in your abilities and break out of the psychological cages that you have built around yourself. 

    The course also includes strategies for maintaining confidence when anxiety slips back in, and how to deal with stressful situations. Then, you will move on to practice social interaction in exercises like a simulated elevator pitch. Finally, once you have achieved progress, you will learn some simple tricks that boost confidence and keep it going every single day. 

    Students who complete this course will be mentally prepared to feel more confident and full of self-esteem in most situations, including those game-changing moments that can turn your life around. This course may also increase the likelihood of you seeing opportunities every day and seeking them out instead of shrinking back in fear. 

    Learn to stop letting anxiety prevent you from leading the life you deserve; start gaining mental strength with these tricks and strategies and don’t let the life you could have, pass you by. 

Here are even more testimonials from people who benefited from this course:

“The best course I have taken at Udemy. I have enrolled another two courses by Jimmy, great teacher!”
– Mèo đần

“Excellent course. The instructor is very straight forward and gives a lot of practical examples and gives challenges to practice. The videos are very high quality and creative, nice idea to record videos in different cities of the world. I’ll be back to remind of certain aspects that i forgot and for sure I’ll practice for now on”.
– Jorge De Matos Vieira

“Great Course. Enjoyed the course. Many great takeaways received. Very up to date for todays world.”
– Hayden Proffitt

WORTH IT! I am not even finished, but I can tell, If you really listen to, understand and follow the steps and tips on the videos, you’re gonna increase your confidence for sure!!
– Lucio Rodriguez

“This is really fun and challenging. Even though I believe that I’m quite self-confident, I bought this Course to see if I can learn something new. It totally changes my view of what you can do to improve your self-esteem. Especially the Comfort Challenges are – as you might guess – very challenging. The quality of the videos is awesome and you can see that Jimmy put a lot of effort in this course. I really appreciate that.”
– Enis Tola

“Trust me, you can double your confidence! Jimmy Naraine’s course on “Double your confidence & Self Esteem” has gone beyond my expectation. There are so many factors which we consider of less importance. But if dealt properly, the magnitude of succeeding in achieving confidence is realistic. He explains these nitty-gritty details, which makes us think on “Why we never thought about this before?!”. I’ve started practicing his suggestions. The audio and video clarity is one big plus in this course. Highly recommended.”

– Shameer Mohammed

“GREAT INFORMATION! Jimmy Naraine Is the man! he gives great information and he explains everything very well he does not sugar Coat anything he goes straight to the point! Take ACTION!”
– Rihan

“Great Course! A very well made course, lot’s of great videos that really communicate the content. Very well and authentically presented in a professional manner. For me personally it was very well worth it, my confidence and communication skills have increased significantly and my overall living quality has increased a lot. Big recommendation!”
Valentin Funk

“Excellent course to make yourself more confident. The contents in the course are short videos and to the point. I like the baby steps jimmy used to taught us his tricks. It was fun to try all those challenge. Highly recommended”
– Afsar

“Worth Every Penny! This course does what it says and more, he really takes you on a journey that you are going to enjoy being on as you see the core problems that you are having that is holding your confidence back and how to change them”.
– Jerome Moore

“Awesome Course. I am learning a lot and am impressed with the presenter. He knows his stiff and presents it well. Thank you.”
– Terrie

“Lots of good concepts. Jimmy can find the right words and examples to explain theoretical concepts about confidence & self esteem. I am pretty sure that applying these ideas would increase people confidence.”
– Matthieu Speeckaert

“I needed it. Thank you so much Jimmy for this amazing course, I like all the techniques you taught in this course. but the one that was special to me and a very powerful and helpful for me is the Phone Trick. whenever i feel that i need some push in my confident i use it and it really helps alot in many situations”.

“Excellent Production Quality. Jimmy and his video team have obviously made a great deal of effort in the filming and post-production. They set a standard for other Udemy instructors to follow”.
– Alicia

Brilliant course! Incredible course, I’m not the entire way through but I am amazed at the wealth of information in the course. Brilliant production quality and the instructor is brilliant. Would definitely recommend.”
– Richard Batt

Here are some of the things you are about to learn:

  • What is CONFIDENCE and why it’s so important

  • How I overcame my personal social anxiety and low self-esteem issues

  • How to develop confident body language

  • How to create a powerful self-image

  • How to stop seeking approval and validation

  • How To Handle FEAR?

  • How to expand your comfort zone

  • Comfort zone challenges

  • How to toughen yourself up

  • How to use the power of appreciation

  • MEDITATION for Confidence: can meditation really make you CONFIDENT?

  • How Relationships Impact Your Mindset

  • How to develop a “winner’s” state

  • What you can learn from actors about confidence

  • How to create various elevator pitches for confident communication

  • How to create stories that project high value

  • How to use my phone trick to dramatically boost your confidence in an instant

  • How GRATITUDE Will Boost Your Confidence

  • Increase Your Level of Confidence with a Simple Password Trick

  • Being Confident Around Intimidating People

  • How To Destroy a Negative Spiral

  • Additional section with Dr Roy Naraine

Introduction & Objectives

Introduction & Best Practices: How to make the most of this course?

This video shows an outline of the course and provides you with an understanding of what to expect as you embark on the rewarding journey of building your confidence and self-esteem.

This course will focus on shifting your mindset to create a long-term impact on how you see yourself. It will also give you practical advice that includes tricks, techniques, and strategies that you can use right away!

The programme is divided into multiple, comprehensive sections that will help you to build unstoppable confidence and self-esteem.

With your commitment, this course will help you reap the rewards that come with developing yourself and earning long-lasting confidence.

I hope that you will enjoy the journey, have fun and live with confidence,


Quick Heads Up about Udemy's System
How To Expand Your Comfort Zone: Welcome to Comfort Zone Challenge Series
2022 Upload: My Proven System for Building COURAGE and Handling FEAR
What is Confidence

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)  I believe that before learning anything about becoming more confident it is essential to understand what confidence actually is. In this video we will discuss what it means to be truly confident and what are the characteristics of people with high level of self-esteem.

1st Comfort Zone Challenge: Expanding Social Confidence
FREE Black Friday EXTRAS. Your CONFIDENCE summary PDF!

Make sure that you join my brand new, interactive Facebook group called "Life Hacking with Jimmy Naraine".

In this group I will be sharing with you additional tips, answering your questions and doing occasional FB live with exclusive content.

What Can We Learn From the COVID Pandemic?
EXTRA CONTENT: Black Friday - Confident Body Language

Body language is a big part of being confident. Non verbal signals have a huge impact not only on how confident you feel, but also on how people perceive you. In this video, you will learn everything you need to know to adopt a more confident and powerful body language. This in turn will make you feel more comfortable in your own skin, lower (or even eradicate) your anxiety and help you to connect with people.

The great thing about learning about confident body language is that the results can be instantaneous. The more you practice the strategies from the video the more confident (at core) you will become. 

How I overcame my personal social anxiety and low self esteem issues - speech

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)  Part of my speech at DNX Global where I'm talking about growing up with social anxiety and lack of confidence. What most people don't know about me is that I struggled in social environment. I was afraid of people and didn't believe in myself. Building my confidence was a long and painful journey. I wish I had a mentor to show me how to increase my self esteem much faster. This is why I feel so driven to share my story with you. I don't want you to suffer the way I suffered and I believe that confidence is something that EVERYBODY can get more of. You just need a little bit of guidance and effort.


Learn my best strategies for exuding confidence and charisma during online gatherings/speeches.

2nd Comfort Zone Challenge: Expanding Your Social Confidence
EXTRA based on Your Feedback: How To Introduce Yourself in a CONFIDENT Manner

I have some great news. Many of you confessed that you find it extremely difficult to introduce yourself in various situations. In fact, some of you admitted that you get paralyzed whenever someone asks: "so what do you do?" or "what's your story?"

Considering the popularity of this topic, I decided to record a brand new, 26-minute video on the beautiful island of La Palma.

Short Message about New Course Updates!

Here's a short message of appreciation + info about the upcoming updates!

2022 Fresh Video: The Truth About Haters and How To (Internally) Deal With Them
WELCOME TO 2022! My GIFT for You - Here's How To Set Goals for CONFIDENCE!

Brand New 2022 Video about the connection between GOAL SETTING and CONFIDENCE!
I hope that you will enjoy it and all the best in 2022!!! :)


Thank You & Announcement

Double Your Core (Inner) Confidence

Create Powerful Self Image

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)  Your self-image has a huge impact on your level of self esteem and confidence. In this video you will learn how to make it powerful.
I will share with you powerful tools that will help you to change the way you see yourself. I want you to start perceiving yourself as the worthy, valuable and powerful person you ALREADY are. Self improvement is beautiful, but you need to remember that you are already good enough.

3rd Comfort Zone Challenge: Next Level Comfort Zone Push

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)   Vulnerability is not easy, but it's an integral part of being a truly confident person. When you are vulnerable it simply means that you have the courage and the guts to be yourself. You are comfortable with who you truly are. This concept may be a bit hard to grasp at first (I struggled with it a lot myself), however, once you embrace it, amazing things will happen and your confidence and self esteem will start increasing dramatically. This in turn, will have a positive effect on all areas of your life including social and relationships.

In this video I will share what vulnerability really is and how it will help you to build your confidence and self esteem.

Stop Seeking Approval

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)   Everybody seeks approval to certain extent and it is normal. However, many people go to far and make their entire lives about seeking validation. In this video you will learn how to escape this dangerous trap.

Truly confident people don't seek approval. When you are confident and comfortable in your own skin, you don't need constant approval from others. When you have a healthy level of self-esteem you don't care that much what others think of you. Paradoxically, this makes you not only feel, but also APPEAR more confident and powerful to others. This is a fascinating topic and I hope that you will enjoy the video.

Why I'm Great List

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)   In this video I will show you an amazing technique that will make you feel more confident and valuable on the spot. You will also believe in yourself much more in long term. This is one of my favourite exercises that I still perform on a regular basis to increase my level of confidence before important activities such as presenting in front of a large audience. I can guarantee you that if you use this tool you will increase your level of confidence and positive energy on the spot. In additional, you will see an increase in your self esteem in long term.

How To Handle FEAR?

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:) FEAR is something all of us struggle with. It's also something that's inextricably connected to building confidence and self esteem. The problem is that most of us don't know how to handle fears. In this video we will talk precisely about that. 
Go ahead and learn how to handle your fears and in turn increase your confidence.

Toughen Yourself Up

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)   I decided to publish a bonus about toughening up as many people have been asking me about it. If you've always wanted to develop not only confidence in yourself, but also resilience and "THICK SKIN" then this video is for you.

4th Comfort Zone Challenge: Gaining a Fresh Perspective
MEDITATION for Confidence: can meditation really make you CONFIDENT?

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)   Can frequent meditation really make you more confident? the simple answer is YES. In this video I'm going deep into the WHY and hopefully by the end of it you will see why meditation can be such a powerful tool to develop confidence & self esteem, but also to improve your social skills.

Have a quick look

I would love to hear your feedback:)

EXTRAS based on Your Feedback & FAQ Section. You asked so... I Delivered! :)

What this EXTRA section is all about?
The Power of ACCEPTING Your Past

Things are not inherently good or bad, they just are. In this lesson, you will see why it's so important (and liberating) to fully accept your past.

Fresh upload Aug '21: "I get freaked out whenever dancing is involved"
5th Comfort Zone Challenge: The Power of Vulnerability
Fresh upload Aug '21: "Do I need to be extroverted?"
Fresh upload Aug '21: The Danger of the "I Gotta Hide" mode and how to fix it

Do you have moments when you just want to disappear in social and business situations? If yes, then this video is for you...

Fresh upload Aug '21: Simple TRICK to minimise stress during a digital meeting
Fresh upload Aug '21: Asking & Accepting HELP From Others - why it's so Crucial

Asking and accepting help is a sign of SELF-RESPECT, not weakness. Here's why...

Develop a Powerful Mindset

How Relationships Impact Your Mindset

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)   Your relationships impact your level of confidence and success whether you know it or not AND whether you want it or not. In this video we will discuss the power of positive relationships, how negative people bring you down and what you can do about it. If you want to dramatically increase your confidence, self esteem and overall success, start with your social circle...

6th Comfort Zone Challenge: DETOX Time!
Feel Like a WINNER 1/2

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)   In this video I will teach you how to feel more confident and powerful in the moment. The truth is that the state you are in has a huge impact on how you feel. When you learn how to get yourself into winner's state, you suddenly feel more confidence and power. On the other hand, when you are in a negative state, you are more likely to feel anxious, shy, disempowered. Ultimately, the decision is yours. You simply accept how you feel at any given time OR you can take control and consciously put yourself into powerful and confident state. In this video I will teach you how...

Feel Like a WINNER 2/2

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)   In this video I will teach you how to feel more confident and powerful in the moment. The truth is that the state you are in has a huge impact on how you feel. When you learn how to get yourself into winner's state, you suddenly feel more confidence and power. On the other hand, when you are in a negative state, you are more likely to feel anxious, shy, disempowered. Ultimately, the decision is yours. You simply accept how you feel at any given time OR you can take control and consciously put yourself into powerful and confident state. In this video I will teach you how...

I Feel Great!

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)   In this video I will discuss a very simple change you can implement in your life in order to feel more positive and confident. What most people don't realize is that the words we use have a tremendous impact on our level of confidence. If you truly want to increase your self esteem, you need to pay attention to what you say. In this video I will show you how you can use the power of your words to increase your confidence and build a powerful self esteem.

The Power of Audio Books

Over the years I've listened to/read well over a 1000 books and I have to say: it's one of the most powerful things a human can do in order to boost their confidence, self esteem and overall belief in oneself. I hope that you will enjoy this pdf.

EXTRA SECTION: Digital Gatherings with CONFIDENCE - Fresh Section as of Aug '21:

Why Having a Plan B and C is so CRUCIAL and HOW To Do It

Everything you need to know to make ure that your presentations and online gatherings go smoothly.

Comfort Zone Challenge 7: Your Clothing and Why I Shaved my Head!
Your "DIGITAL" Body Language: Essentials You Need To Know

In this lecture, I will tell you exactly what you need to do to adopt a confident and charismatic body language when attending & presenting at online gatherings.

How To Make People Introduce Themselves During Online Gatherings?

Group introductions can be nerve-wracking. Here's a proven strategy you can use when YOU are the one hosting an online gathering.

Getting Yourself Into the "Winner's" State before Speaking ONLINE

Here's exactly what to do in order to feel more confident during online presentations and gatherings.

How To Truly ENGAGE People During Your Online Gatherings

In this video, I will share with you some of the most powerful tips to engage people during online gatherings.
The advice from this video will be useful for both, online presentations, and also regular online gatherings.

Accelerate Your Transformation

8th Comfort Zone Challenge: Handling Social Pressure Like a Boss
Become an Actor

Become an actor and create your masterpiece. The title may sound mysterious, but I can guarantee you that the technique I'm about to share with you can be a game changer in the context of building confidence.

Don't Reinvent the Wheel 1/2

There is no point of reinventing the wheel when you don't need to. Learn about one of the most powerful concepts of accelerated learning.

Don't Reinvent the Wheel 2/2

There is no point of reinventing the wheel when you don't need to. Learn about one of the most powerful concepts of accelerated learning.

Social & Perceived Confidence

Simple Strategy to Boost Your Social Confidence

I have been using this strategy for a long time and it works magic! Confidence in social situations is something so many people struggle with. Do you have moments when you feel anxious and awkward when surrounded by people? I know how it feels, because I used to have those situations myself. Fortunately, there are ways to build your "social" muscle and become more confident in all types of social situations. I hope that you will enjoy this video.

Multiple Elevator Pitch 1/2

Do you have situations when you lose composure during a conversation. This strategy will make you much more confident when speaking to people.

Many people struggle with being anxious when introducing themselves and holding conversations. The strategy I'm sharing in this video is made for people like this. Go ahead, start using it and feel your comfort level and confidence increase.

9th Comfort Zone Challenge that may save you some money ;)
Multiple Elevator Pitch 2/2

Do you have situations when you lose composure during a conversation. This strategy will make you much more confident when speaking to people.

Many people struggle with being anxious when introducing themselves and holding conversations. The strategy I'm sharing in this video is made for people like this. Go ahead, start using it and feel your comfort level and confidence increase.

Always Be Prepared 1/2

"It is better to be prepared and not have the opportunity than have one and not be prepared" - very powerful concept

Always Be Prepared 2/2

"It is better to be prepared and not have the opportunity than have one and not be prepared" - very powerful concept. In this particular video I will also share with you a funny situation from Buenos Aires, Argentina that shows how far this principle can go.

Stories that Project High Value

Storytelling is a powerful topic. In the following pages I will teach you everything you need to know in the context of confident storytelling.

Phone Trick 1/2

This trick may seem a little bit "out of the box", but works magic, especially when you need an injection of confidence in an instant. We all have moments when we don't feel at our best. Perhaps, you are about to attend an important meeting, but you feel anxious and uncomfortable. You try to summon confidence you need, but it's not working. The tool I'm presenting in this video is an easy way to radically change your state to feel and appear more confident.

LAST Comfort Zone Challenge: Social Interactions
Phone Trick 2/2

This trick may seem a little bit "out of the box", but works magic, especially when you need an injection of confidence in an instant. We all have moments when we don't feel at our best. Perhaps, you are about to attend an important meeting, but you feel anxious and uncomfortable. You try to summon confidence you need, but it's not working. The tool I'm presenting in this video is an easy way to radically change your state to feel and appear more confident.


ASSERTIVENESS: How To Become Assertive and Why it's Crucial for Confidence | PT1
ASSERTIVENESS: How To Become Assertive and Why it's Crucial for Confidence | PT2

EXTRA Section: Simple Tricks - Huge Impact

How GRATITUDE Will Boost Your Confidence

You may be surprised, but the feeling of gratitude has a huge impact on how confident you feel. In fact, one of the easiest and quickest ways to feel more confidence in an instant is to embrace gratitude. In this video I will share with you exactly why and how to do it. I encourage you to implement it right away, before watching the next video. Take a moment, embrace the power of gratitude and feel your confidence and level of comfort increase.

Increase Your Level of Confidence with a Simple Password Trick

The technique in this video is extremely simple, but it will contribute to building high level of self esteem and confidence on a daily basis. Give it a shot and see how you feel!

Being Confident Around Intimidating People

Many students have been asking me about this topic. It's not easy to stay confident and comfortable around intimidating people. However, as always, there are ways to handle this. In this video I will share with you my recommendations on what to do to gain more confidence in those types of situations.

How To Destroy a Negative Spiral

Greetings from Hanoi, Vietnam! In this video I'm discussing the concept of positive vs. negative spirals. Getting into a negative spiral is something that happens to all of us from time to time. Negativity breads negativity. In this video I will show you how to stop that spiral and return to your CONFIDENT self. Please think about the ideas I discussed in the context of becoming more confident.

"Hi Old Friend"

This is a very simple, yet very powerful technique, not just for boosting your social confidence, but also for improving your social life and relationships.

EXTRA Video - How To Overcome the Fear of Presenting - speech from 12min.me

Many people asked me about public speaking and I decided to show you one of my LIVE speeches precisely about this topic. Fear of public speaking is something most of us struggle with. However, I know for a fact that it's also something that can be fixed. If I managed to go from being panically afraid of presenting to doing keynotes on international stages, you can do it too. I know that it's scary and it takes a lot of guts to get out there, but you can do it! In this video I share some of my most valuable lessons on building stage confidence. 

Have a look and learn how to become a confident public speaker.

The Power of Appreciation

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)   In this bonus video I will speak about the power of appreciation and how it will help you in building unstoppable confidence and self esteem.

2022 EXTRA: How To Stay in Touch with People in spite of RESISTANCE
What's Your Biggest Lesson of 2020?
Thank you!

Massive thanks for watching this course. I appreciate your time and trust in my content. You can find the additional FREE resources in the attached PDF. If you want to see behind the scenes footage, follow me on Instagram at @jimmynaraine

EXTRA SECTION with Roy Naraine

EXTRAS: Roy Naraine (check his Udemy page) - 1

Roy Naraine has 2 successful courses on Udemy. If you like those bonus video make sure that you check out his profile.

EXTRAS: Roy Naraine (check his Udemy page) - 2

Roy Naraine has 2 successful courses on Udemy. If you like those bonus video make sure that you check out his profile.

EXTRAS: Roy Naraine (check his Udemy page) - 3

Roy Naraine has 2 successful courses on Udemy. If you like those bonus video make sure that you check out his profile.

EXTRAS: Roy Naraine (check his Udemy page) - 4

Roy Naraine has 2 successful courses on Udemy. If you like those bonus video make sure that you check out his profile.

ARCHIVE: Older videos that have been replaced in case you wish to see them.

ARCHIVE: Expand Your Comfort Zone

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)   Pushing your comfort zone is extremely important on your path to confidence. In fact, if you will apply the advice from this video you will be able to significantly accelerate your transformation into powerful and confident human. The truth is that most magic in your life happens outside of your comfort zone. Every time you push yourself your confidence increases. Here's the thing: you can improve our confidence just by watching all the videos. However, if you really want to increase your self esteem and confidence to unprecedented levels, working with your comfort zone is a must. I hope that you will enjoy this video!

Comfort Challenge 1

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)   The first comfort challenge is very simple, but make sure that you actually perform it! It will build a solid foundation for the rest of the course. As said before, pushing your comfort zone even in the smallest way will have a huge impact on your level of confidence. It's always hard to take the first step and I have massive respect for you just for trying. However, I also know that the moment you take actions outside of your comfort zone you will fall in love with the feeling. It's the feeling of doing something that seemed almost impossible. It's the feeling of growing as a person. It's the feeling of being a winner. I want you to feel this feeling and to feel your confidence expanding right in front of your eyes. Have fun!

Comfort Challenge 2

Summary PDF attached as per requests from my students:)   Welcome to the second comfort challenge! Go ahead, do it and enjoy your rapid progress! As I said before, those challenges are the key to building powerful self-esteem and increasing your confidence in everyday life. I know that it's not easy, but that's the point. Go out there, push yourself and feel your confidence growing!

Comfort Challenge 3

This comfort challenge will make you feel pretty uncomfortable, but it is also a game changer. I've done all of those challenges myself and yes - they are scary... However, as I always say: the magic will happen on the other side. Dance with your fears, push your comfort zone and see your confidence grow.

Final Comfort Challenge

Your final comfort challenge will dramatically push your comfort zone, but... this one exercise will make you a different person. By now you have completed the core part of this course and I am convinced that you have enough power to take on this challenge! Go ahead and embrace the unknown!

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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