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Become the Best Version of Yourself

From the time we are born, many will be educated to be a version of themselves that please others.
Salvador Guerrero
2 students enrolled
English [Auto]
20 Ways to Transform your Life for the Best.

This video course will help you found the best version of yourself that will allow you to transform your life and live happily and fulfilled.

Topics covered:

  • 2 Things Authentic People Do And How You Can Be Your True Self

  • 3 Steps To Being The Best Version Of Yourself

  • 3 Things You Can Do To Feel Your Best

  • 4 Secrets To Better Know Yourself

  • 4 Things You Can Do Now To Be Your Best Self

  • 5 Actions To Be A Better Person

  • 6 Destructive Behaviors That Stops You From Being Yourself

  • 8 Tips To Live Your Best Life

  • 8 ways To Create Boundaries So You Can Be Yourself

  • The Secret To Loving And Enjoying Who You Are

2 Things Authentic People Do And How You Can Be Your True Self

Video watching Sección 1.

Find out how to be an authentic person.

3 Steps To Being The Best Version Of Yourself

Video watching

Practice the process of being the best version of yourself.

3 Things You Can Do To Feel Your Best

Video watching

Master how to feel good about yourself.

4 Secrets To Better Know Yourself

Video watching

Development of self-knowledge.

4 Things You Can Do Now To Be Your Best Self

Video watching

Make a work plan to be your best version of yourself.

5 Actions To Be A Better Person

Video watching

Know how to be a better person and apply it in daily life.

6 Destructive Behaviors That Stops You From Being Yourself

Video watching

The student will live a better life avoiding self-destructive behaviors.

8 Tips To Live Your Best Life

Video Watching

The student will learn to put into practice simple but valuable advice.

8 ways To Create Boundaries So You Can Be Yourself

Video watching

You will learn to set limits to live a happy and fulfilled life.

The Secret To Loving And Enjoying Who You Are

Video watching

The student will learn to live successfully accompanied by healthy self-esteem.

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
4 out of 5
1 Ratings

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